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Bikini Laser Hair Reduction

Don’t stress about shaving or having razor irritation for vacation trips, beach trips, pool trips or any last minute plans any longer! Laser Hair Reduction is an easy fix to achieving smooth and clear skin on your pubic area so that you can feel prepared for any occasion!

Bikini Laser Hair Reduction

There are many benefits to being hairless on the bikini area; less razor irritation, bye-bye painful ingrown hairs, you can now fit into your itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini and feel more confident in the lingerie that’s been hibernating in the back of your drawer.

Are YOU a good candidate for Bikini Laser Hair Reduction?
As long as the pubic hair is not red, white, grey or blonde, you most definitely can get those annoying hairs gone!!

The choice is yours!

You can get Bikini Line Laser Hair Reduction; which is what would be shown with a bikini on.
Bikini Brazilian; which is the bikini line and everything a bikini covers in the front. Bikini Brazilian Extended; which is the Bikini Brazilian PLUS the benefits of the back-strip!

You can choose whichever preference you would like and also customize each treatment to your liking and what makes you feel comfortable!

What to know before your treatments:
1.) Shave the desired areas that you want the laser to go over a day or two before the appointment.

2.) Make sure you have not taken any anti-biotics in the past fourteen days along with any light sensitive/heat sensitive medications; this can cause burns, blisters and permanent damage to your lovely lady parts during treatment!

3.) To the girls who like to stay bronzed or are a sun lover; No tanning or heat for 21 days prior to your treatment (that means no self tanners also!)

4.) If you’re going through that time of month, make sure you’re being hygienic and have the proper supplies being used for the treatment (tampons).

Side effects of Bikini Laser Hair Reduction are minimal but not limited to: heat rash, Perifollicular Edema (PFE), itching and redness. If any other side effects do occur contact your clinic immediately. Now get ready to experience silky smooth skin like you’ve never experienced before!!

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