When most people picture having a facial, they often think of the classic spa treatment: sounds of gentle water flowing, calming music playing in the background… a relaxing afternoon.
However, facials are far more than just that! Regular medical spa facials should be an absolutely essential part of your skincare regimen- and of course they can be relaxing too!
By getting facials on a regular basis, we can prevent skincare problems and signs of aging putting you ahead in the game of aging and rejuvenation. Here are some of the science-based benefits that you can get by having consistent facials at Amerejuve.
Most facials include an exfoliation process, where the dead skin cells on the face are removed. This gets rid of dry and flaky skin, helps prevent clogged pores, and keeps your complexion looking clean and clear. Although using exfoliation creams on a daily basis can be a good start, nothing beats coming in for a facial where we can systematically get rid of all of those dead skin cells through either a physical exfoliation method (like microdermabrasion) or a chemical peel.
Lower Your Stress and Anxiety Levels
The old cliché about getting a facial is that it is one of the most relaxing things you can possibly do. Well, sometimes clichés are true!
When you come in for a facial, you are intentionally slowing down and taking a break, while someone else takes care of you. You don’t have to put any effort in, you simply need to lie there and let the aestheticians do their work. This can be a fantastic way to release anxiety and stress, as stress can actually exacerbate skin problems (like acne). Giving yourself some time to slow down will help your skin health even more in the long run!
Improve Circulation
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, “Wow, I look really dull and pallid today?” This may be due to poor blood circulation under the surface of your skin. The answer to this is simple: tissue massage! When you massage your facial tissue, you stimulate blood flow and restore that rosy glow that we all hope for. With regular facials, you can help improve blood circulation in your face, to maximize the nutrients and oxygen your facial tissues receive.
Prevent Signs of Aging
As we age, we lose tightness and definition in the face. Skin starts to sag as it loses its elasticity and wrinkles start to form. It’s just the wear and tear of aging, it happens to us all. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something to prevent, or even reverse, the physical signs of aging.
Facials can boost collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, restoring skin elasticity and minimizing wrinkles. With our scientifically based products, we can directly stimulate the production of new collagen and cellular growth, leaving your skin looking healthier and younger over time.
This is a big one, especially for those of us who live in Georgia…
UVA/UVB rays from the sun can pull moisture from your skin, causing dryness and flaking. Even if you drink lots of water, the heat can really take its toll, especially if you are genetically inclined to have dry skin.
A facial can help rehydrate your skin, infusing it with moisture from serums and other skincare products helping to keep your face supple and soft.
Profit from an Expert Eye
It’s easy to make a self-diagnosis about conditions like dry skin or excess oil, but it is another matter entirely to self-prescribe an effective solution to the problem. When you get a facial, we will customize it to address your specific skincare needs, as well as educate you about at-home products and procedures that can help maintain your skin’s health throughout the seasons.
Minimize the Look of Exhaustion
Ask ten people if they get enough sleep, I suspect nine of them will say “Ha! No!”
Even if you do get a solid eight hours a night, you can still have bags under your eyes, giving you a tired and hollow appearance. One great thing about a fantastic facial is that special attention can be paid to your eyes minimizing dark circles giving you a more alert and youthful appearance.
Fight Acne
Acne is often perceived as a teenage problem, the reality is that many of us deal with acne issues as adults. Acne can be painful and feel unattractive taking weeks to fully heal in some cases. We address acne issues during your facial by treating it with specific ingredients and other products that kill bacteria, smooth pores, as well as prevent blackhead/whiteheads.
These are just a few of the many benefits of getting regular facials. But remember: not all facials are created equal. Going to any old spa for a clay mask can be fine for some basic me-time, but why not relax and get scientifically proven benefits at the same time?