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Rosacea: Treatment, types, causes, and symptoms

Rosacea is a chronic but treatable condition that primarily affects the central face and is often characterized by flare ups and remissions.  Although rosacea may develop in many ways and at any age, patient surveys indicate that it typically begins any time after the age of 30 as flushing or redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead may come and go studies have shown that overtime the redness tends to become ruddier and more persistent and visible blood vessels may appear.  Left untreated, inflammatory bumps and pimples often develop, and in severe cases – particularly in men- the nose may grow swollen and bumpy from excess tissue.  In as many as 50% of patients the eyes are also affected, feeling irritated and appearing watery or bloodshot.

Although rosacea can affect all segments of the population and all skin types, individuals with fair skin who tend to flush or blush easily are believed to be at greater risks.  As well as people who have an underlying condition such as an autoimmune diseases. The disorder is more frequently diagnosed in woman, but tends to be more severe in men.  There is also evidence that rosacea may tend to run in families and may be especially prevalent in people of northern or eastern Europe descent.

Even if you’re treating your rosacea, the right skin care can make a noticeable difference.  A rosacea friendly skincare routine can:

  • Help your skin feel more comfortable
  • Improve the results you see from treatment
  • Boost your skins overall health
  • Reduce rosacea flare-ups

Six tips to help patients with rosacea

  • Cleanse your face twice a day- very gently.  Patients who have rosacea often don’t wash rosacea-prone skin enough that’s understandable if your skin is already feels irritated.  To cleanse without further irritating your skin
  • Choose a mild, rosacea friendly cleanser (not soap)
  • Apply a cleanser gently with your fingertips using circular motions.
  • Rinse off cleanser with lukewarm water, using only fingertips. You want to thoroughly remove the cleanser.  If some cleanser stays on the skin, it can cause irritation.
  • Pat your face gently with a clean cotton towel.
  • Moisture every day.   Whether rosacea makes your skin dry or oily, It’s important to moisturize.  Moisturizing helps hydrate your skin by trapping water in your skin.  This can reduce irritation and make your skin feel more comfortable.
  • Protect your skin year round.  The sun can worsen rosacea .  This is so common that it’s actually one of the most frequent causes of a rosacea flare-up.  Even people with dark skin can have a rosacea flare-up after being outdoors in the sun.  To reduce rosacea flare-up’s caused by the sun, wear sunscreen.  To protect your skin apply a sunscreen daily every morning before you leave the house. Get in the routine. But finding a sunscreen that will not irritate your skin can be a challenge.  Look for a sunscreen with….
  • Zinc Oxide, titanium oxide, or both
  • Silicone (may be listed as dimethazone, orcyclomethicone, or cyclomethicone.
  • No fragrance (label may say “fragrance free” but if it say “unscented” choose another sunscreen.
  • Broad spectrum protection
  • SPF 30 or higher
  • Choose a rosacea friendly skin care products.  When you have rosacea, many skin care products and cosmetics can irritate your skin.  While gentle cleansing , moisturizing and sun protection can help reduce this sensitivity, You also want to choose your skin care products and makeup carefully. You want to avoid anything that contains…
  • Alcohol
  • Camphor
  • Fragrance
  • Glycolic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • methanol
  • Sodium laurel sulfate
  • Test skin care products and makeup before applying them to your face.  If you’ve never tried a product or it seems that everything you apply to your face stings, testing can help.  To test a product, dab a small amount near ( but not on)  your rosacea-prone skin.  If it irritates your skin ( burning, stinging,ect..) within 72 hours, you know not to use it.  Always listen to your skin.
  • Be gentle with your skin.  Anything that irritates your skin can worsen your rosacea.  To prevent this , you want to avoid rubbing or scrubbing your face.  That means no wash clothes, facial sponges, or exfoliating.

Making these tips a part of your skin care routine can help you take better care of your Rosacea-prone skin.

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