Consent for Photography Consent for Photography For marketing use:I hereby authorize Amerejuve staff to take photographs of the work performed both before and aftertreatment. I agree that these photographs will remain the property of Amerejuve. I further authorizethe use of said photographs for the purpose of advertising, web sites, newsletters, and other marketingmaterials. It is specifically understood that in any such publication or use, I shall not be identified byname. Initial For educational use and scientific publications:I hereby authorize Amerejuve staff to take photographs of the work performed both before and aftertreatment. I agree that these photographs will remain the property of Amerejuve. I further authorizeAmerejuve to use these photographs for teaching purposes, to illustrate scientific papers, books, or usein general lectures. It is specifically understood that in any such publication or use, I shall not beidentified by name. Initial For client chart:I hereby authorize Amerejuve staff to take photographs of the work performed both before and aftertreatment to be maintained only in my file. I agree that these photographs will remain the property ofAmerejuve. Initial Print Client Name * Client Signature * Clear Date * Staff Signature * Clear CAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit